Play Solitaire Online For Free
Welcome to Solitaire Online! Solitaire Online is a free game site where you can play Online full-featured versions of your favorite solitaire games. The games work in almost any browser like IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera on the Mac, Windows, Linux, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Android.

Why we can't stop playing solitaire game on greenfelt
In an essay of the Wall Street Journal in 2000, founding Editor of Slate, Michael Kinsley wrote that this magazine once "thought of adopting the slogan" Slate: Solitaire of thinking ", but reject it too honest." The best game Solitaire is Klondike Turn Three 3 According to an average daily survey, more than 100,000 Americans play solitaire. This is a reasonable rating about our audience — you are reading this alone; you're awesome - but somewhat confusing when it comes to solitaire. Game single-player classic is a punch easy, is often cited as the hobby favorite of the lazy office or the intellectual playground of the man of dull. (George W. Bush is known to play hands often while governor of Texas.) But the game is poor, very poor also— according to an employee of Microsoft, who was reprogramming it for Windows Vista - the program most used in spacecraft Windows . A single game has unused space to 5 MB but has a live over 20 years since 1998. We forged solitaire because it is the shame of our secrets.
Although on the face of it may seem trivial, pointless, a terrible way to waste a beautiful afternoon, etc., solitaire has unquestionably transformed the way we live and work. 80% of the time playing in the office and 20% of the room outside. Computer solitaire push the revolution of the personal computer, enhancing the exclusive tendency of Microsoft, and forever change the culture of the office. It has also helped humanity to survive, countless conference calls and plane trips. This game has shown great dominance not because of graphics, but because of the simplicity of the first ones. If solitaire is not computer program, the most important of all time, then it is at least in two programs the first, along with Minesweeper.

Josh Levin is Slate’s editorial director.
A long time ago, before the invention of the microprocessor, people played solitaire with real cards. The game is called "patience" by the Brits, has been around for over 200 years. It is said to have originated from France, but it is a matter to debate whether Napoleon can play while in exile in St. Helena or not. (Although solitaire always have the followers, but the need to shuffle the deck after each hand can make the game become real, and definitely a entertaining not optimal for any who have access to books, radio or any form of communication any human. (You can understand the appeal of Napoleon.)
The problem scrambling eventually brought solitaire to the digital world and the glory of its current. At the end of the 1960s, Paul Alfille, age 10, has invented a solitaire version new - there are hundreds of people, called FreeCell. Alfille loved his new games, but I really, really hate the disturbance. By 1979, he had coded a version for the computer network at the University of Illinois, PLATO, supports up to 1,000 users at a time on the terminal is connected to a large computer center. (Alfille was in medical school at that time, now he is an anesthesiologist.) FreeCell soon spread, participate in role-playing games, text-based Avatar out of the program that is using most of the online community first. Along with shuffling the cards automatically, the program tracks the statistics of players; it was soon recorded the winning streak for 5,000 consecutive game.
Why play solitaire? Well, sometimes there’s just no one around or available. Other times, you might be feeling introverted. Or maybe you are seeking a more puzzly, contemplative experience where you can take as much time as you like without worrying about stink-eyes or tappy feet from other players. FreeCell caught fire in the early days of computer networking, Alfille says, because it is very easy to find out how to play. In those days, the computer is new and scary; solitaire is a reassuring presence. For anyone who has played the game in the real world - and that is the majority of people, there are population - no learning curve with the computer version. And once you mastered the card game on a computer, do some tasks more seriously on the machine doesn't seem too difficult.
When the university's main 1970s have given way to the personal computer, solitaire again open the way for a technological revolution. According to an article by the Washington Post in 1994, the ceo of Microsoft wanted Windows Solitaire (a build of Klondike version popular of game) "to soothe people intimidated by the operating system." Solitaire proved particularly useful in teaching neophytes how to use the mouse. When Microsoft pre-installed software solitaire first as part of Windows 3.0 in 1990, the click and point is not second nature.
By dragging and dropping cards, newbies developed fluency fluency required to use every other Windows program. As a legislator, Minnesota is caught in a debate about funding education in 1995, she claims she merely "doing exercises at home to improve the skills of his mouse").
Certainly only office people are gaming the most. Therefore, we aim to ease the game without installing. So we have created 42 solitaire games for everyone to choose from. And we packed all these games on a web site called WebOfSolitaire.Com
Soliraire isn't only a game. That is a story "The story of Solitaire card games" Solitaire has help users familiar with Windows and introduced the world with the brand business ethics special of Microsoft. Paul Alfille said that the inclusion of FreeCell in Windows 95 and all subsequent versions of the operating system, is "there's nothing I did and nothing I've missed." Now is a Linux user longing, Alfille says that he sold the rights to the video game version of himself for the University of Illinois, but Microsoft never paid the university a sum of money copyright.
The most popular solitaire games that people play include:
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