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Welcome to Solitaire Online! Solitaire Online is a free game site where you can play Online full-featured versions of your favorite solitaire games. The games work in almost any browser like IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera on the Mac, Windows, Linux, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Android.

How to play Clock Patience Solitaire Card Game
Clock Patience is a simple, fun variant of Solitaire. Like other free solitaire games, Clock Patience is played by one player with only one deck of cards. Unlike other games, however, it requires almost no strategy, and winning comes down to complete chance. To play Clock Solitaire, deal your cards, play through the deck, and learn how to win the game. Let's see rules and tips to win Clock Game.

How to play Clock patience solitaire card game
1. Requirements/statistics:
Space: Moderate/Large
Level: Challenging
Cards: One standard 52-card deck or a computer with internet connected
Players: One
2. Layout
Shuffle the deck. Deal the cards; face down, into 13 piles of four cards each. The piles should be arranged to mimic the numbers on a clock, with an extra pile in the middle of the circle. The “numbers” of the piles (1 through 12 on the clock; the middle pair is 13) are important.

It's very easy if you play Clock Solitaire , because it has been put in right place and you just have to play.
3. Play
Turn the top card on the 13 pile face up (that’s the pile in the middle of the circle). Place it, still face up, under the pile of that card’s number.
For example, a card number 4, would go under the “4” pile. An Ace would go under pile “1”. Face cards are placed as follows: Jacks under 11, Queens under 12, Kings under 13.
Then, turn the top card on that pile face up and place it, still face up, under the appropriate pile. Continue in the manner until the game ends. If the final face-down card in a pile belongs to that same pile, continue the game by turning the next (moving clockwise) face-down card face up.
4. To win the game
In order to win all 13 piles must become face-up piles of four-of-a-kind.
However, you lose if the fourth King is turned face up before all the other sets are completed.
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